
A Broken Spirit
Inner Work
My girlfriend of seven years and fiancé had just left me because she “needed to find herself”. I was devastated. After boring friends with broken hearted tales and repeated stories of attempts to win her back, they asked me to seek help, so I did. I contacted Lydia and told her my story. Unlike what many of my friends were telling me, she told me all hope was not lost. She told me that working on myself was going to open doors for me that I may not even have imagined. I believed her and so we embarked on my healing journey.
For the next months she guided me through a very difficult process of self-confrontation, delving into deep rooted parts of my psyche and soul I was not in touch with. She did so by always being honest with me, a strong and firm guiding hand, and teaching me tools keep me on track. With her teachings and support I was able to heal my broken heart, face the inner challenges that were preventing me from truly being happy and feeling comfortable with myself, create a plan for my future and how to execute it, and push myself towards my physical goals.
Safe to say, she totally turned my life around. I have a lot of work to do, but I have the tools and the confidence to achieve them. She was the mirror I needed so I can understand what I was doing, what I needed to correct, and find the confidence in myself to make the necessary adjustments to correct them. I would not be able to say this truthfully a few months ago and without Lydia’s help. She’s awesome.
— Hector, March 2018

More Than Just Diet & Exercise
Inner Work
I have been in and out of diets throughout the course of literally most of the years of my life. I would lose 30-40lbs then stop dieting and gain 40-50 within the next few months. Diets were my nemesis. I hated every second of my life while on a diet. I was very heavy and so exercising was no picnic either. I felt doomed to being heavy. I needed professional help, more than a personal trainer, a nutritionist, a therapist. I needed all of it, but my pocket needed me to choose one or the other; I couldn’t afford all three. That’s when I stumbled upon Lydia’s page. She professed helping with the mind, spirit, and body, and so I gave it a shot. I am grateful that I did.
Personal trainers and nutritionists would give me a regime to follow to lose weight and even if I temporarily succeeded I would go back to my normal eating and sedentary habits that would lead to weight gain again. Therapists, besides being expensive and dragged out, did not help me concretely with losing weight. Working with Lydia gave me all three components. She attacked my body goals in a different manner than I or anyone else I worked with had. She worked on me from the inside out, as opposed to other trainers and myself from the outside. Lydia helped me build a customized diet and exercises that made it pleasant for me to engage in so I could truly adapt it to my life t as a more permanent long term plan instead of a temporary sacrifice.
The best result is not only the weight loss but it is how I view and relate to health. More than anything I can now have a more positive happier experience in my journey to improve myself. She completely helped me change my perspective on how I viewed and went about working towards my best self so I could actually enjoy the journey and get to the results I seek. I no longer have to dread the process towards reaching my body goals.
— Maribel, January 2018

Million Dollar Question
Outer Work
I was living pay check to pay check but nothing foreign to my generation and how I grew up. As long as I could cover my bills and lived independently I considered myself a success. On the surface everything seemed ok and even lucky to be better off than many other low income people. However, I felt something missing, a little empty. I saw Lydia’s postcard at the doctor’s office for my regular visit and decided to call her after reading her description on “Outer Work”. Best thing I did!
I met with her and explained I was looking for help with developing my career. I wanted to advance and make more money, but I also had no idea which direction I wanted to go. She asked me the million dollar question: if you won the lottery tomorrow, after all the vacations and glamorous expenses, what would I want to do with my time? What would I want to invest my time in on a regular basis? This one question opened up everything for me. We worked through it and were able to hone in on what I’m passionate about. She helped me discover my true passion and develop a plan to actually delve into what makes my heart truly happy instead of living the mundane life I was living. She helped me see the possibilities and believe that I can do it! I found my purpose and it was liberating!
— Tonya, May 2018

Moving on Up
Outer Work
I only had an associates degree and was lucky enough to find a god job with benefits and a good paying rate. However, I was barely making enough to pay my bills and was bored with my job. I didn’t want to go back to school as it was never my thing, plus I could not afford it nor wanted to get in more debt. So many times I saw how people with less credentials than me moved on to positions higher than me and I was frustrated that I couldn’t do better myself. I felt it came down to making connections and brown nosing, which I was not interested in either. I did not know where to turn.
My friend told me about a life coach that helped her and so I decided to give it a try. I reached out to Lydia and told her I was looking to move up in my job. My real interest was just to make more money and to be in a more managing position where I could feel that my skills are better utilized and I do not feel so bored. She worked with me to figure out how to place myself in a better position. First, we worked on my resume. She then taught me on how to express my strengths better in interviews or when networking. I was able to learn how to showcase myself in a professional way that felt comfortable for me and not like I was compromising my principles. She guided and pushed me to put myself out there more until finally I made a connection with a great recruiter who helped find a managerial position in a field I was more interested in. Now I am making more money, feel more useful, and feel like I am making a worthy contribution! Much better!
— Katherine, April 2018

The Beat of the Heart
Inner Work: Couples
In my family we do not tend to seek out professional help for personal matters. Quite the contrary, we are taught to keep family issues within the family only. So, when I was having marital problems, the most I could do is tell my mother, who gave me some misogynistic advice on how to handle my relationship. I do not buy into those kinds of methods. I wanted a more direct approach that relied on open communication and helped address our problems at a deeper level. My husband, less open minded than I, did not believe in therapy. He did not like how therapy was approached and what it implied. I admit I also felt uneasy with the stigma of therapy myself. Instead I I found a free class headed by Lydia on getting in touch with your partner. It seemed less invasive and so we agreed to go. It opened the door to so much more!
The class helped us open our eyes to some issues that were worth exploring deeper and so a few weeks later called for a session. Using the same exercise, we brought up some of the problems we were having recently. Immediately, Lydia began helping us work through them. It took a few weeks, but it was worth it! She helped re-build trust in each other and the relationship. More than anything she helped us learn how to communicate effectively so we could work through any issues that do arise from here on out. I can safely say she made my marriage better. We have a more respectful and loving relationship, and I know that is because we both feel heard and understood better than before, what we learned with Lydia is what has made that possible without a doubt!
— Aneudy, June 2017

Rejuvenated Love
Inner Work: Couples
My husband and I were in a rut. Our relationship was just a monotonous routine by now. We lost the passion we had the first years of our time together. I could see that we were growing further and further apart. I was not going to give up! I did not want to let it go and I know my husband did not either. We did not know what to do, but knew we needed to do something. We came across Lydia’s postcard and decided to give it a try.
We started with the smaller package and were honest in that we weren’t interested in dragging anything on like therapy. Lydia’s response was honest and to the point, she said, “ok then how fast are you both willing to get over your shit!”. As harsh or brutal as that sounded, that was it! We went through all the reasons why we felt out of touch with each other and in the end it was because we both stopped trying. Neither one of us wanted to step out of our comfort to please the other and so instead we did nothing. Surely, it was not that one sentence that helped us miraculously figure that out. Lydia put us to work on ourselves and each other, and as long as we were willing and did the work, we were able to find each other again. Our love was rejuvenated because we were awoken through her guidance! I am so glad for her honesty that day!
— Tamea, October 2017

Inspiration for You & Me
Motivational Speaking Events
I heard Lydia speak on seizing opportunities one day and it completely changed the way I look at things! I learned to see opportunity in every corner! -Rudy, March 2017
Lydia is funny, witty, and most of all honest! She talks about being positive in a way that gives you hope and makes you believe! -Andres, June 2017
I don’t know if she’s heartless or heartfelt in the way she talks about perseverance. I say heartless because it takes guts to keep going in the way she described some of her struggles, and heartfelt because she is so full of passion that it is hard not to get excited about your possibilities as well. -Tony, July 2017
It is clear that she is very passionate about what she does. You can really feel her intentions in really wanting to help others succeed. You immediately feel like you can trust her to get you where you want to get and where you never even imagined yourself to go.
-Maria, August 2017
Her determination and hopefulness is infectious! It is difficult not to get excited and feel hopeful after hearing her speak! -Liz, October 2017
She touches on a little bit of everything: finding inner peace, being healthy mind, spirit, and body, finding your purpose in life, and giving back to help others. She’s like a modern day Guru! -Jen, October 2017
Her focus on mental, spiritual, and physical healing is well rounded and dare I say, a divine intervention! -Chris, January 2018
I left with my spirits high, my mind focused, and my body relaxed! She’s the whole package, the real deal! -Rick, August 2018